On-line training is available for new and current staff on request. There is also a weekly training call, which all staff are welcome to participate in.
Technical Support
Support is available by phone between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM Mountain Time, M – F, and can be sent in via email at any time.
Consumer Tracking
Keeps track of consumer name, contact information, demographics, and case notes
I&R Tracking
Keeps track of I&R name, contact information, and case notes. I&Rs can easily be changed into Consumers.
A large number of reports (Service Report, Goals Report, Disability Types Report, etc.) are available to any staff member, as well as database admins.
PPR/704 – Create and submit directly to the ACL
The PPR/704 will automatically populate with your consumer demographic, service, and goal data, as well as Community Activities. Once finalized, it can be submitted directly to ACL.
Personal and Organization Reminders
Admins and staff can set reminders for themselves and each other. Reminders can be sent out to all staff members, and staff can opt to receive reminders via email.
Print Labels
Print mailing labels, email addresses, and phone lists for some or all of your consumers and I&Rs
No Extra Hardware Required
As a cloud-based system, CIL Suite can be run from any computer with an internet connection and a web browser. Your data will be backed up automatically twice a day.
Keyboard Navigation (JAWS, etc.) Compatible
Staff members who use assistive software such as JAWS, NVDA, WindowEyes, etc. can navigate easily in CIL Suite.
Unlimited Users
Database admins can manage staff member login accounts with no outside intervention needed. There is no upper limit to the number of staff logins.
Community Activities
Keep track of outreach activities – issue area, activity type, hours spent, objectives, and outcomes, as well as additional info about number of attendees, mileage, prep time, etc. Community Activities automatically populate to the PPR/704 Report.
Group Events
Allow staff who work with groups of consumers/I&Rs to update multiple records with a group note/service request.
Robust Consumer/I&R Data Checking
The Audits area provides numerous checks you and your staff members can run on consumer/I&R records to check for missing or incorrect information.
Complaints Tracking
The Complaints module helps document issues that may arise, what steps are taken, and how they are resolved.
Track Outcomes, Outcome Indicators, and Measurement Methods for each consumer. |
Time Tracking
Enable staff to keep track of time spent; can optionally be linked to consumers, consumer services, Community Activities, etc. Includes time tracking reports. We also provide the option to track time in units. Staff enter the Start Time and End Time, rather than Time Spent.Time is displayed in Units and Totals.
Company Calendar
Internal, center-wide calendar for staff to refer to
Document Center
Storage area for things like policies and procedures manuals, blank forms for downloading and filling out, etc. Includes the ability to create folders to aid in organization.
Equipment Tracking
Keeps track of equipment available for loan or give-away. Items can be signed out to consumers, signed in upon return, or marked as given away. Also keeps track of depreciation.
Integrated ILP with Consumer Signature
Create customized ILPs. Send the ILPs to consumers for
review and digital signature by email. Staff can also sign
digitally. Annual ILP Reviews and ILP Amendments are easy
to document. |
Self Intake Form
The Self-Intake Form is so easy.
It allows you to send a link to a potential consumer (or
you can post this link on your website) The link
contains a list and description of the services your
center offers. The potential consumer can select the
services they are seeking.
And then enter in all the appropriate demographics data
that you have specified is needed for you to onboard
them for those services.
Once submitted, all of that info is automatically
captured in CIL Suite.
This can save your staff from 15 minutes, up to 1 hour
and 45 minutes of time gathering info and data entry,
PER consumer intake.
Access by Program
Provide access to staff for all consumer notes and
documents that are associated with assigned programs.
(keep staff from accessing notes and documents they should
not access, while allowing them to see all that they need
to)</span > |
Centers with multiple PPR grant numbers or with satellite offices can track work done on behalf of individual consumers/I&Rs as well as Communit Activities by location. A PPR can be generated per each office/location and a variety of other reports can also be filtered per office/location as well.
Education & Legislative Advocacy
Home Modifications
Upgraded Documents Center
Increase the maximum file size for uploaded documents from 5 MB to 10 MB.
Fee for Service/Employment Services
Track consumers participating in Fee for Service programs. Includes report.
Track consumers as they progress through the various stages or steps associated with Fee for Service activities (such as employment services, etc).
Center Calendar to Center Website Plugin
Enable centers to display public events from their CIL Suite calendar automatically onto their website calendar
If an event is added to the CIL Suite Calendar, and flagged as Public, then it will automatically show up on the Center’s website calendar as well
Human Resource
Health Professionals Tab
Track information about a consumer’s health care professionals
Personal Care Attendants
Collect basic information about Personal Care Attendants (working preferences, capabilities, languages spoken, etc.) to assist consumers in locating attendants who meet their needs
Older Blind and 7OB
Track information required by the 7OB / OIB / Older Blind Report. Includes report.
This is a Federal program providing funding to centers serving consumers age 55 or older with a significant visual impairment.
PPR/704 by County or Zip Code
Assist centers with multiple PPR/704 grants in collecting and collating information required for each grant’s service area. Includes report
Internal Inventory Tracking
Auto Budget Split Time Tracking
When staff and admins log time, each time entry can be automatically attributed by percentages to multiple funding sources, based on preconfigured settings. This is customizable per staff member.